It had been long time since I’ve used train for my travel.
The last time I use train it was I at 7 or 8 years old, so very long time, and
last week I used train again for took me from my hometown to my home. Since PT.
KAI changed their attendance more better, I challenge myself for must try it
once. It was happened on last Thursday.

Economy class isn’t too much bad. Every railway wagon had
six air conditioners but for me it was really not work because the doors always
open. They had two models of the seat. The first one is for two persons and
another one for three persons. The seats weren’t really comfortable because it
wasn’t had enough sponge and for three person seat it wasn’t capacious.
Don’t be shock when you used the train and find many people
sell food, hand fan, making music, or just for clean the railway wagon. I don’t
know it is legally or illegally but it was one Indonesian tradition *sell many
things on railway wagon*. That is way for making money for them. I’m not
suggest you for use Indonesian train for travel –If you’re foreigner for use
train for short destination- because in your way you’ll meet many people and
*seriously* It’s not save enough.
Okay I really appreciated with online ticket and on time
schedules. It make you easier for booking your ticket and manage your time too.
Indonesian known with late people, if you have appointment with Indonesian I
hope you’re so patient to wait them, because I ever experienced that too! So if
PT. KAI could handle this one I so appreciated with them services. Don’t you
worry for be late, guys!
I enjoyed my short trip because the view I saw! As you know
Indonesia is a agricultural country. I saw rice fields many times! So very
green and fresh air I felt. I also saw rivers and a mountain. I enjoyed it so much.
Ah Indonesia still using old stations and the stations really big! I can’t
imagine how they operate the train for first time, I guess it was very awesome.
About the snacks I ate on the train, I bought it by one
person who sold it in the train. It called “tahu asin” it mean salty tofu.
Don’t be foul. It not China or Japan tofu like you’re known. It was really
Indonesian tofu and they fried it then put some salt and they sells it. It
really cheap. It was Rp 1.000,- or Rp 2.000,- it was around $0.6 .
Nah guys I hope my story help you for imagine how is
Indonesia train conditions. Then don’t be afraid to try guys! I enjoyed my trip
so much and I can’t wait for my another trip use train, I hope one day I can
try for executive class, because I heard executive class more comfortable and
more better, but executive class only obtain for long trip.
Thank you for reading and enjoy your day!
Christa out :D
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
saya jarang naik kereta ekonomi lebih milih bisnis soalnya kadang ngak tahaaaan sama abu asap rokok dan pedagang yang mondar mandir heheheh. nice post ;)
BalasHapussebenarnya cukup malas juga dengan beberapa orang yang seperti itu (merokok dan berjualan)
Hapustapi sekarang jauh lebih baik dari pada dulu bahkan para pengamen "kucing-kucingan" dengan petugas sekarang
thank you