College Introductory Week!

Hallo hallo Selamat Idul Fitri bagi yang merayakan. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Hari-hari kemarin aku memang disibukan oleh kegiatan kuliahku. Mulai tanggal 29 Juli kemarin aku sudah masuk kuliah untuk pecan perkenalan kampus (PPK). PPK kemarin lumayan menyita waktuku. Oleh karena itu beberapa post yang aku jadwal kan dapat di publikasikan terpaksa menunggu di kolom draft. Semoga dalam waktu dekat aku dapat mem-publish post-post tersebut doakan saja.

Di post ini aku ingin bercerita tentang PPK ku kemarin dan sedikit perubahan hidupku. Waktu itu benar-benar berjalan sangat cepat, aku sendiri merasa terkejut ketika menyadari bahwa aku akan memulai kehidupan perkuliahanku. Sempat ada kegelisahan tentang kehidupan perkulihan nanti seperti apa, tapi aku bersyukur sekali bahwa lingkungan tempat aku kuliah sangatlah bersahabat dan nyaman. Disana aku merasa mendapatkan keluarga baru.

Pekan Perkenalan Kampus – ku berjalan sangat menyenangkan. Aku mendapatkan teman-teman baru yang baik, lucu, dan juga kompak. Selain itu para mahasiswa pendamping juga sangat ramah. Aku bersyukur bahwa aku menyadari aku tidak salah masuk Perguruan Tinggi (PT). Dulu waktu aku masih kelas 10, masih duduk dibangku SMA, aku berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku nantinya dapat bersekolah di PT dan jurusan yang tepat. Sekarang aku merasakan tuaiannya. Doa itu sangat dahsyat kuasanya!. Oh ya aku malah dapat “bonus”, teman-teman satu kelompok PPK-ku sangat akrab satu dengan lainnya seolah-olah kita ini telah berteman dalam jangka waktu yang lama, kami juga berencana untuk keluar bersama untuk jalan-jalan.

PPK yang menyenangkan itu membuatku lebih bersemangat untuk menjalani kehidupan berkuliahan yang katanya “berat” itu. Aku mencoba sebisa mungkin untuk menikmati bangku kuliah selama aku masih bisa dan aku juga tak ingin mengecewakan orangtuaku. Perubahan hidup yang sangat dratis masih belum aku rasakan apalagi untuk semester pertama ini aku mendapatkan jadwal yang cukup bagus, dimana aku memiliki banyak waktu longar.

Postingan ini memang tidak membahas masalah beauty, fashion, ataupun food, aku hanya ingin  merekam kenangan ini melalui tulisan. Ingatan manusia itu tidak bisa detail, maka dari itu aku harap ketika membaca postingan ini aku mengingat setiap detail kejadian yang pernah terjadi dalam hidupku.
Oh ya ini kan masih dalam masa liburan. Bagaimana dengan liburan kalian? Apakah menyenangkan? Liburan ku sendiri sedikit berbeda untuk tahun ini, karena tidak semua keluarga besarku dapat berkumpul jadi seperti ada something miss feeling tapi aku tetap bahagaia karena tetap ada perjumpaan-perjumpaan yang tak kalah mengharukan lainnya.

Nah aku posting sampai disini dulu ya. Happy Holiday kawan!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

Thank You Giveaway from Miss Belanja Online ^^

Hello warga Indonesia! Kalian udah kenal belum sama salah satu anggota IBB yang berasal dari Surabaya namanya Ci Laurensia Natasha atau yang sering disapa Ci Shasa ? Ci shasa adalah penulis dibalik blog Pieces Of Me [].

Aktif dalam menulis blog sejak tahun 2011, kali ini bertepatan dengan pembukaan online shop nya yaitu My Cute Shop dan terimakasih kepada reader blog setianya. Ci Shasa mengadakan giveaway ^^ 

Giveaway-nya unik. Ci Shasa sudah menyiapkan 2box beauty untuk 2 pemenang, sayangnya kita masih belum tahu apa-apa saja didalamnya. 

Nah penasarankan seperti apa dalamnya? Ayuk ikutan Thank You Giveaway untuk mengetahui apa sih yang ada didalam kotak itu hehhe ... 

Loh terus cara nya gimana? Ini nih aku kasih Link nya .. 

Kalian cukup mengikuti rule yang disedikan oleh Ci Shasa, pemenangnya dipilih atas komentar yang terbaik dan membangun dan yang satu lagi secara random. So don't cheat ya^^ 

Good Luck 

[ Review ] Essentials Moisturising Day Cream Oriflame

Let’s say Hello with my first moisturizing day cream! It came from Essentials by Oriflame. I know type of my skin is oily so I never try any moisturizing day cream before, because it will making my face more oily, but since weather in my city isn’t friendly –yes very very not friendly, sunny in afternoon and rainy in night huh!!- I need this one for moisturizing my face.

Although in cover written for all skin types it never combine with my oily face. After 2-3 hours my face become shining because oil. Beside of that it make my face more flawless, moist, and elastic than before after using it 2 weeks.

One pack consist 75ml or 2.5 fl.oz. The packing so very friendly for traveling or using at home too. It was made from plastic but not cheapest plastic, not very  fragile lahh. The cream not very creamy with the color is white.  Essentials moisturizing day cream  given vitamin E for our skin too.

Don’t worry about the scent. It have soft scent not too much fragrant inside and again and again I found Methylparaben. Don’t try this if you afraid because this product contain Methylparaben :P .

Thing I hate from using this one is make my face more oily. If my face so oily, it very easy for grow up many pimples and comedo. This is my tip for you : If you want to buy oriflame products make sure your skin type is dry, because almost all oriflame product I had tired almost not working for oily type.

Ranting : 3/5

Re-Purchase : No. Not combine with my skin type 

[ Review ] NYX Nail Polish Lucious Green code: NGP 133

 Hello! I’m back with my new nail polish! . 

It came from NYX with name Lucious Green [code: NGP 133] . Omo!! I falling in love with this color in my first sight!! Really! Now I understand why some ladies say that nail polish is one of mood booster! Okay let I tell you how nice this one.

First form the packing. Not special. Like usual packing. It made by glass but very thick and heavy. 
The contain is 0.43oz or 12ml *I think is too much* . I got shock when I was trial this in counter. NYX nail polish is really dry so fast. Love it! Then the brush is so soft. It make smooth finishing. 
Special one why I love this nail polish is this nail polish such as mirror in my nail. This one can reflection like a mirror.  Try your self! But I dislike it because I need top coat for defend the color stay in my nail. Unless the polish only defend for 2 days!

Overall I love NYX nail polish they give us many color and very eye catching, believe me! ..
Ranting : 4/5

Re-Purchase : Yes! But another color :D

Beauty Workshop by Etude Time 3 Surabaya

Wanna be Sweet? #PlayEtude <3

Prologue : Sorry fellas, I’m really busy lately, school schedule is my main reason. By the way, I knew you had heard about Etude Time 3 in Surabaya. I was read many blog post about Etude Time 3 especially from Surabaya beauty blogger. Nah, beside of media gathering, Etude also gave us beauty workshop, nah I’ll telling you about it! So keep reading ya :D

On 16th February 2013 I went to Grandcity Mall where is the Etude Time 3 held. I was came around 12.10pm *yeah I’m late*, I saw there only a few trainees sit on beauty workshop area. Then I got my registration and took my seat. At first I think this event would be late like usual Indonesia event *never on time!* but I was wrong. The kindly trainers asked the one of trainee where she’s friend and remind the workshop would begun 5 minutes again. I just think “WOW how care this trainer to her trainees”. It was their plus.

Then the workshop was begun. They taught us how to make-up our face with Korean style. This is the steps:
  • Clear our face with cleansing 

Give cleansing on cotton and clear our face with the cleansing toward out of our face
  •  Use moisturizer to our face include our lip (don’t worry etude have save moisturizer for our face and lip too!)
  • Use BB-Cream (for forehead follow grow line of your hair, for cheek and chin toward out our face) don’t forget use your BB-Cream on you neck too
  • Coloring your eyebrow. 

Korean always have straight and thick eyebrow with brown color.
Trainer explain about Etude Product
  • Use eye shadow

There many ways you can apply on your eyelid. Let’s your creative on!
  • Eyeliner
Korean always using two eyeliner. The dark one and the brighter. Usual they using black eyeliner from middle eye line toward out, then using white or pink eyeliner in middle toward to your nose. *is it understanding? #bad_english-sorry*. (tips: if you don’t have colorful eyeliner let’s using your eyeshadow)

  •  Mascara
  • Blush-On (not-a-must)
  • Lipstick
Tips: if your eyeshadow is very colorful please using natural one, then if your eyeshadow is natural or casual, be brave using light color)
  • Lip Gloss

That are some tips I got from Etude Beauty Workshop. I’m very happy to learn that, I hope you so. By the way, I love Korean way because their make-up always naturally *I mean no fake eyelash* and I can use in any where.  Nah this is my post I hope you like it and it is useful ..

NB: sorry to un perfect make-up this my first beauty workshop.