[ Review ] Oriflame Professional Powder Brush

Annyeong ^^

Before I review this brush I wand blame my self first! I'm so mad because I brought wrong brush! At first I want buy foundation brush but this one came into my hand. I didn't really looked what the brush when my friend gave it to me, then at home I got it, it was wrong. Okay it's okay because I bought this brush with awesome discount.

I'm not really expect too much with Oriflame brush, some review I had read give low rating, but my friend told me the quality of this brush is good so I decided to have one. The materials are goat hair, aluminum, and wood. The price not really expensive in Indonesian, it sale around $4 - $5 ( rate IDR 12.5k ) or Rp 50.000,-. 

As the brush name "Professional Powder Brush" it came with black colour witch identical with "professional" word. The length is 18cm or 180mm so handley in my hand. The packing is good eye catching and look like highest quality. Goat hair is really good. It is very smooth, and work very well.

Uhm after all, this product is very satisfying. I recommended this brush for beginners with low-middle cost. Thanks to my friend who was suggested this brush to me. Try it!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Diaries ] Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013

Hello Beauties!

Today, Surabaya really really hot huh ... It made me so lazy to go out, just stay at home and organize some of mess things around hahha .. 

And yeah I will telling you about Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013 which held in Atrium Supermall Pakuwon Indah last Sunday. 

As usual, there was many cosplayers and they really really awesome. Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013 was my second event I was came. The event really crowded, make sure you safe from many otaku who want took a pictures with coplayers.

I'm really appreciation with all cosplayers. Whatever the result they'll get, they was did their best. Put make up on, walked around the area, keep smile, and so on. Another thing is their cosplay it self. Their cosplay was totally same with the real anime woahhh ...

Ah there wasn't just a cosplay, they had AKB00 (If I din't mention wrong) from Cosura and a duet singers (Sorry I don't remember what their name). Really entertained us who was visited the event.

Just for information. Surabaya has many cosplay communities, such as Cosura, search on google for more informations. They are friendly communities, just join if you're a cosplayer or a otaku.

Honestly, I enjoyed the event and I make sure my self to come to another event like this. 
zzz! I heard it will holding "Chocodays" on 1st week on December in Ciputra World Surabaya.. 
If you want to meet a great cosplayer just come there!

See ya :) :D  

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Diaries ] Uhmm I don't know ..

Annyeong .. 

Uhm, I don't know what to say. I was hiatus for a months and I cant bet I could keep promise to often write blog post. Since now I'm a college student and had part time job, but I'm still on fire to keep this blog for runway LOL .. 

Ah ya! I want to say thank you for many visitors who was visited my blog. I know my blog so plain where is only white theme and no banner and cute stuff here. I hope I can change my layout theme asap, btw there is someone who want help for make a layout? LOL 

I little bit shocked to know my blog visitors huge from foreign than Indonesian. 'Caused that reason I dedicated to make blog post in English again. Be honest, my grammars is so bad and my verbs in beauty, fashion, and foods not too much for this day. I feel uncomfortable with this situations, but it's okay, I'll studying from my fault. Okay, I need more motivations btw hahhaha .. 

Okay because today is Monday, we should have more energy and more smile. Not everyone like this day but hey! It's a good day for start something new! Okay I'm so on fire now and this time the right time for me to learn many things. 

Happy Monday Everyone!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Review ] NYX Glitter Cream Palette Sweet Chocolate Browns


Hari ini aku akan me-review NYX Glitter Cream Palette Sweet Chocolate Browns. Pertama kali pegang palette ini langsung tertarik untuk buka dan swatch karena bling-bling nya itu loh ga tahan bokk .. Okay kita mulai dari kemasannya. Packing nya handly banget di tangan, kurang lebih sama kayak kita pegang handphone yang jaman dulu yang ga segede tab-tab itu. Mudah banget banget masuk tas yang clucth yang bisa dibawa ke pesta-pesta gitu. Selain itu packing yang terbuat dari plastik ini rentah pecah jadi hati-hati ya.

Kita akan mendapatkan 2 aplikator dari palette ini. Dimana aplikator ini terdiri atas 3 sponges dan 1 brush tips. Untuk ku sendiri sih aplikator ini kurang useable. Aku lebih suka menggunakan tangan agar hasilnya lebih merata.

NYX  Glitter Cream Palette Sweet Chocolate Browns menyediakan 5 gel glitter cream dan dapat di aplikasikan di kelopak mata, muka, bibir, dan tubuh. Sayangnya 5 gel glitter cream ini tidak diberikan nama-nama special. Teksturnya tidak creamy tapi lebih ke arah gel dan cukup bertahan lama dikulit asal tidak disiram air saja.

Swatches :

* Gunakan eye based jika ingin menggunakan di daerah kelopak mata dan aplikasikan setelah menggunakan eye shadow
* Cocok untuk digunakan di malam hari atau stage performance 

Plus : 
* Harga nya relatif terjangkau jika beli di shop online ( harga asli sektiar $5-$7 )
* Multifungsi ( bisa digunakan untuk kelopak mata, muka, bibir, dan tubuh )
* Tahan lama  ( selama tidak tersiram air )
* Tersedia banyak warna

Minus : 
* Membutuhkan eye based
* Packing mudah pecah
* Aplikatornya kurang useable

Nah apa kah kalian tertarik? Oh ya NYX sendiri menyediakan  12 Palette dengan warna dan tema yang berbeda. Jadi kalian bisa menyesuaikan dengan warna kulit serta kebutuhan kalian, ladies. Aku sendiri sih ingin banget punya palette yang Eden, karena warnanya warna neon dan itu cool banget hahha ..

Okay ladies Happy Sunday!!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

Ultra Rich Body Cream by Oriflame Review

Udara di Surabaya masih belum bersahabat dengan kulit hari-hari ini. Beberapa kota di Jawa Timur sudah akan memasuki musim hujan, tapi seperti ini lah Surabaya masih sangat panas. Kulit ku jadi mudah kering dan keriput, apalagi kalau udah kena sinar matahari langsung uh langsung kebakar deh. 

Hari ini aku mau me-review body cream dari Oriflame. Namanya adalah Ultra Rich Body Cream. Body Cream ini diperuntukan untuk kulit yang sangat kering. Berhubung cuaca di Surabaya sangat panas aku, mencoba untuk memakai boday cream ini. 

Kemasannya mirip dengan kemasan-kemasan body butter kebanyakan. Bulat dan cukup besar, terbuat dari plastik tebal yang tidak mudah pecah. Selain itu Ultra Rich Body Cream ini juga dilengkapi kertas alumunium ( seperti yang terlihat pada gambar ) hal ini bertujuan untuk membuat kemasan lebih terjaga kebersihannya. Sayangnya tidak ada spatula ketika kita membeli body cream ini, jadi kita harus mengambil dengan tangan, hal ini tidak menjamin kebersihannya kan. 

Tekstur nya tentu lebih creamy dari pada body lotion biasanya. Untuk pemakaiannya sendiri tidak perlu cukup banyak karena sedikit saja cukup melembakan kulit. Body Cream ini cukup awet loh penggunannya. Bisa bertahan lebih dari 6jam asal tidak di siram dengan air saja.

Baunya sangat harum tetapi tidak menyengngat. Lebih ke arah aroma terapi sayanganya aromanya tidak bertahan lama di kulit. Body Cream ini tidak dapat melindungi kulit dari pancaran sinar matahari, jadi jangan lupa bubuh kan sun cream ya ladies agar kulit tidak terbakar.  

Sekian dulu dari aku hari ini ya. Happy Weekend Beauty!!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |