Hallo ladies !! Bagaimana kabarnya? Apakah kalian menikmati bulan Desember ini ? Bulan ini sungguh indah bagiku. Banyak kebahagiaan yang tercurah dibulan ini ^^.. Nah kali ini aku mau me-review product dari Etude House yaitu Drawing Eye Brow in #3 Brown
[ Review ] Citra Night Whitening Hand and Body Lotion
Sebenarnya aku ngga terlalu suka pake body lotion Indonesia karena kebanyakan lotion lokal itu cenderung lengket dan bau. Nah, kenapa akhirnya aku beli Citra Night Whitening Hand and Body Lotion ini karena kemakan racun dari temen ku. Dia bilang kalau lotion ini sangat membantu dalam memutihkan kulit. Kebetulan banget aku juga lagi berusaha memutihkan kulitku yang terbakar. Akhirnya aku beli deh ini lotion.
[ FOTD ] Last November Look !!
Hai kawan! Aku kembali dengan FOTD yang lain setelah Dull to Doll-ku yang sebelumnya. Kali ini aku membuat FOTD untuk jalan-jalan biasa sih, ngga ada hal khusus bahkan untuk namanya aja aku bingun harus kasih nama apa hahaha XD berhubung sekarang sudah dipengujung November, maka nama FOTD ku sekarang adalah Last November Look :D
[ U-Cafe ] Love Nail Art? Let's follow MissJenFABULOUS channel !!
Happy Sunday ladies and welcoming back to my U-Cafe Tag!
This week I'll talking about MissJenFabulous. Her channel full of nail art tutorial and believe me that's so awesome and creative!! Beside nail art she also do make-up and fashion too. I love her channel because her channel so complete. Nah check some her videos :D
[ Review ] Maybelline Baby Lips Color in Coral Flush
Today I will review "Maybelline Baby Lips Color in Coral Flush" yey! After used "Maybelline Baby Lips SPF 20 Lip Blam Anti-Oxidant Berry" I really like using maybelline lips blam series. I chosen coral flush colour because I thought pink colour is to mainstream ?! LOL!!
[ Diaries ] Cutted my hair
It was such a long time ago *i mean 1 month ago* I cutted my hair. After six months finally I decided to cut my hair.
[ Diaries ] Okay 24 hours / day isn't enough!
Holla September and Holla Ladies !!
Well lately I was so busy with all my campus activity, from my schedule 'till my organization programs. My bed time changed, now I hardly to wake up in the morning ohhh .... It's like I lost all my time, but yeah I like it.
Since 3rd semesters has begun I often came home late and never spent time with my family, it's so pity and I know it uhmm I never blogging anymore. My blog like retro pages and so on. I hope I can manage this one better :(
Yeah. I debated with my senior about 24hours a day is enough or not. Hard to answer it. We're know isn't easy right for handle two things in the same time even more than 2 things. Campus schedule is enough for take all our times then we're an organizer so our "my time" become less more than before.
We debated it and in the final we agreed that we need learn again about how to manage our time. Everything will be run so good if we can control everything. So there is no reasons to say 24 hours a day isn't enough. Just learn more for handle it ..
Have a nice Saturday everyone ^^
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Diaries ] Holiday ohh Holiday
I was prepared for my short semester for this June but really I never imagine it was so hard !!
I didn't talk about how difficult my lesson but how busy I am because something called "Basic Training of Leadership and Management for Freshman" a.k.a OSPEK (in Indonesian).
In my bored and stress because of proposal I writing this blog post.
Oh no! I need time where there is no dead line and no tasks just relax and get focus in to my lectures.
Talking about my university life, my GPA just published a few hour ago and I don't know how to react.
It's doesn't mean my GPA bad but I'm sure it wasn't better too.
My GPA increase around 0.1 point, I felt so blessed to got my GPA in this semester, and there is a little disappointed because I didn't got the maximum score in the lecture I believe I could get maximum score.
I promised my self, I must study harder in the next semesters. I hope I can make my parents proud with me. The invest many money for me, so that I can get the best education also they giving me more than enough facilities I shouldn't ask they many more.
Back to the topic, HOLIDAY ...
Honestly, I don't have any ideas or special plans for my holiday ..
Oh I'm so pity, am I?
Oh I'm so pity, am I?
Yeah I hope your holiday is better than me LoL
Anyway, I'm so sorry about being hiatus in last month, I almost crazy with all my random schedules
Believe it or not I never touch my laptop last month ...
This month shall be better than last month hehe *crossfingers*
Anyway, I'm so sorry about being hiatus in last month, I almost crazy with all my random schedules
Believe it or not I never touch my laptop last month ...
This month shall be better than last month hehe *crossfingers*
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ FOTD ] Dull to Doll : My Daily Look (Make Up sederhana untuk Mahasiswi)
Hello ladies!! Ahh .. melihat traffic blog post ku aku merasa sedih, bulan Mei ini hampir saja aku absen untuk membuat post, sedih sekali (T.T). Bulan Mei ini penuh dengan kesibukan dari jadwal kuliah beserta asistensi dosen yang tak menentu (karena banyak sekali libur yang artinya tugas siap menumpuk) dan juga hal-hal lain seputar kuliah ku yang so so luar biasa! Akhirnya aku punya waktu untuk menulis post disela-sela ujian akhir semseter ku ini.
[ Review ] Marina Sweet Compact Powder Shade 12 Peach
Kali ini aku mencoba bedak merek lokal. Berharap sih kualitas yang diberikan memuaskan apa lagi banyak rumor diluar sana yang mengatakan bahwa kualitas brand lokal itu masih belum menggena di hati. Yang ku coba kali ini adalah Marina Sweet Compact Powder, harga terjangkau sekali tidak lebih dari Rp 20.000,- . Waktu memilih shade warna cukup sulit menurutku karena warna yang diberikan susah masuk untuk kulit kuning langsatku. Mau ambil yang natural kok terlalu gelap, akhirnya aku pilih shade 12 Peach, walau sedikit cerah untuk warna kulit ku, tak apa lah.
[ Review ] Sasatinnie Nail Polish : Rose SPN129
" Your Nails are like Jewels - Don't Use Them Like Tools "
So who loves nail polish and nail art ? I love polish my nails when I have free time. Last time I polished my nail used Sasatinnie Nail Polish : Rose SPN129. This nail polish made in France. With unique packing. Sadly, there was many fake nail polish from this Indonesia. Nah I love the packing it was so cute with heart shape. The next things I think is .. Is it okay with they brush?
[ Quick Post ] Hey, April!
Hello April !
Time flies so fast, I remembered how I wrote Quick Post for March Greeting. The last of February where I wasn't ready yet for faced the March.
Before I going to telling about April I want to review my March. Last month was the month full of fear, pain, and regret. Fear because of all my relationship with relative, Pain because I needed paid expensive experience -and wasn't easy- and Regret because I didn't do my best in many things.
I became pessimist person. The person who judged all my work failed. I tried mentality and I wanted to quit, but when I think again for everything I feel so sorry to my parents who was paid my university fee and many more just for investment in me with knowledge.
This month I hope something bright come into my life and I don't feel so down like the last month. This month I hope for something better and I promised to my self for do the best I can give. So all my reader I hope you don't feel down like me, but you get something awesome into your life.
" Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. " - Earl Nightingale
Christa Out
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Review ] Skin Food Shea Butter Facial Mask Sheet
Yey! Finally mencoba masker ini juga. Sudah sering baca di blog sih review nya bagus bagus jadi sekarang mumpung ada kesempatan mencoba aku coba masker dari Skin Food ini.
Packing-nya simpel tapi tetap cute > < . Packing nya dibuat cukup tebal untuk ukuran plastik masker selain itu gambar shea butternya itu loh bertebaran dimana-mana, warnaya juga coklat jadi benar-benar mencerminkan shea butter nya itu. Seperti kebanyakan produk Korea pada umumnya, semua diskripsinya ditulis pake hangul atau bahasa korea jadi ya cara pakai ini produk dengan sedikit meraba-raba hehe ..
Ini masker pertama aku buka. Essence nya sampai tumpah kemana-mana, sungguh melimpah essence-nya. Untuk bau, ada sedikit bau yang menyengat tapi ngga terlalu sering-sering jadi begitu kena udara di ruangan bau nya udah ngga bau lagi. Maskernya sendiri juga tebel ngga mudah sobek. Ukuran maskernya juga cukup lebar ngga bahkan lebih dari ukuran mukaku.
Karena aku tipikal orang yang sekali pakai karena alasan kebersihan, essence yang melimpah itu aku oserin lagi kemaskernya ketika maskernya udah hampir kering. Jadi aku pakai masker ini butuh waktu kurang lebih 40 menit dan essence foto diatas itu cuma separuh dari yang ada di dalam kemasa. Banyak banget dan aku suka banget.
Nah dari semua masker yang pernah aku review di blog ku ini, aku paling suka bakai masker Skin Food Shea Butter ini karena essencenya banyak banget, ukuran maskernya cukup lebar, dan efeknya langsung aku rasain. Muka ku jadi sangat lembut dan lembab nggak hanya sehabis pakai masker saja tapi sampai hari berikut-berikutnya. Bahkan seminggu kemudian muka ku masih belum breakout gara-gara lemak udah mulai numpuk.
Aku suka banget sama masker ini jadi aku bakalan beli lagi untuk kedepannya. Nah apakah kalian juga suka sama masker ini? Atau kalian ada rekomendasi lainnya? Share your story in comment box!
Christa Out!
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Review ] Lovely Your Skin Potato Essence Mask
Once in two weeks I always mask my face for keep my face moisture, and this week I used Potato Essence Mask for Lovely Your Skin. Be honest, I never heard this brand before until this product on my hand. I’m not sure this brand came from but I took conclusion this brand from Japan because the description written in Japanese.
Packing isn’t eye catching, that the first thing pop up in my mind. Everything is dark yellow and there weren’t something unique. Okay never mind with packing because I didn’t used the packing but the inside.
Ah! I must thanks because of all the description I didn’t understand, they give extra picture how to use this mask, but the much better description write in English hehehe
The essence is very rich. When I opened the packing the essence spilling out. I love it. Beside of that, I didn’t like about the smell, it little bit annoying. I used this mask around 20-25 minutes and the mask not really dried. The essence is super rich yahh…
The result, as we know, every mask never bring us instant result in once. We shall use more than once to get better result and this mask too. I didn’t felt something change in my face except more moisture.
Thank you for coming here and let me know if you ever try this mask too!
Christa out!
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ U-Cafe ] How to make easy delicious Korean foods with Maangchi :D Yummyyy!!!
Lately, cooking becoming my another hobby. I enjoyed when I cooking and eat it hahha ... Then I so curious with Korean food also my mom, so I search on Youtube for some tutorials but I found more than I expect before. A friendly channel and also easy steps!
That channel called Maangchi. Don't worry she speaks English so you'll understand. She gives us many recipes of korean of foods from easy to hard skills. I also happy she always update every week. Not only main menu but dishes and dessert too.
Nah check her yummy videos yumm yummm ...
ah ya! she had web too! It make easier to note her recipe and try it. After I watched her videos I knew more how to make korean foods and ingredietns hehhhe
Happy Sunday and Christa Out!
Source : Maangchi Channel [ http://www.youtube.com/user/Maangchi/featured ]
Maangchi Web [ http://www.maangchi.com/recipe/ ]
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Quick Post ] Hello March 2014!!
Hello March 2014!
2 months already passed we're going to 3 months for this year. Feeling time flies really fast. I don't know what will happen in this year. I wish this month will passing with smile and more passion!!
FYI, this month is the month where my midd-test will be held, I'm not sure if I'm ready for face it but I'll give my best, another thing is I had bad feeling about this month. Fear blow up my mind every time and this one suffocate me, wish for the best for me ladies.
About my blog, I try my best for keep writing and update, I hope this one not disappointed you guys. Then I hope this March will give you more bless, happiness, and joyful.
Hello March!!
Christa Out!
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Review ] Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner
Hai ladies! Sedikit terlambat sih untuk me-review Maybelline Hyper Glossy Liquid Liner ini tapi tak apalah dari pada tidak sama sekali hehhe ..
Aku selalu menyukai merek Maybelline ini. Meski harganya cukup terjangkau tapi kualitas yang diberikaan tidak pernah mengecewakan. Eyeliner Hyper Glossy ini sungguh diluar ekspetasiku hasilnya sangat memuaskan.
Dari segi packing memang tak ada yang istiwema. Sama seperti eyeliner kebanyakkan, ingredients-nya ditulis pada segel plastik yang tertera, sehingga ketika menyobek segel plastiknya maka hilanglah semua diskipsi eyeliner ini.
Aku suka dari packingnya adalah namayang ditulis dikemasan dari eyeliner ini dibedakan sesuai dengan warnya eyeliner-nya. FYI, eyeliner ini memiliki 4 warna berbeda yaitu hitam, merah, biru, dan hijau. Jadi jika kalian punya lebih dari satu akan mudah mencarinya. Selain itu kemasannya juga cukup kuat serta pengangan untuk tangan cukup panjang sehingga memudahkan kita untuk mengaplikasikan eyelinernya.
Kuas nya sendiri ngga terlalu tipis, tapi cukup tebal, jadi hati-hati untuk mengaplikasikannya agar tidak kemana-mana. Yang aku tidak suka adalah eyeliner ini butuh waktu lebih dari 10 detik untuk kering, kurang efisien jika kita buru-buru, tapi hasil yang dihasilkan cukup bagus. Dari segi warna hitam pekat dan tidak mudah luntur meskipun kelopak mata ku jenis kelopak mata berminyak.
Waterproof or Smudge proof ? Jangan khawatir karena eyeliner ini memiliki keduanya, asal tidak terkena air. Jadi tidak usah khawatir jika eyelinermu akan luntur karena pemakaian seharian. Selain itu eyeliner ini juga mudah dibersihkan dan tidak meninggalkan bekas warna. Nah jadi gimana? Apakah kalian tertarik untuk mencoba?
![]() |
sorry for breakout face and my narrow eyes so you can't look at eyeliner properly :( |
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ U-Cafe ] Videos Hair and Make Tutorial with Babexo ^_^
Happy Sunday!!
I always happy to write U-Cafe blog post :D I found many inspire people in the world and it support me more to focus with what I was started (like this blog ^.^). Today I want to tell you another beauty guru in YouTube.
Her channel called Babexo. Her channel is so complete! Not only about hair tutorials she uploaded but fashion, make up tutorials, and giveaway too.. !! Then let's check her videos
Love her hair tutorials! Easy to try and awesome not too-usual! Not bad hair day again and also we can learn how to hair-do for make-up in a party or only go to campus or school. Don't forget check her channel ^.^
Christa Out
Source Bebexo Channel [ http://www.youtube.com/user/bebexo/videos ]
Babexo Website [ http://www.justbebexo.com/ ]
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Review ] Oriflame Happy Skin Nourishing Body Cream Extra Dry Skin
Prologue : Today isn't good weather in Surabaya because Kelud Mountain. Dust in everywhere but thanks to God rain was down and cleaned up the air. Ah ya .. Happy Valentine Day everyone! Let's show the more love than usual in this day \(^.^)/
Today my review is Oriflame Happy Skin Nourishing Body Cream Extra Dry Skin. This body cream become my favorite. So far Oriflame doesn't failed to smooth and nutrition my dry skin so I keep using it.
I bored with this packing. It isn't different with another body cream packing they had. Round shape and good plastic. Nothing special. I wish they can make new one for another body cream packing. This pictures below show you ingredients and where the body cream was manufactured.

Oriflame Happy Skin Nourishing Body Cream Extra Dry Skin had special ingredient, it is Pumpkin Seed Oil and the parfum they included like a sweet candy. I love this one. The texture of this body cream not very creamy or liquid, so it not be sticky in your skin.
24 hours moisture the claimed is work! As long as you don't wash the body cream it still protect your skin. Use it everyday makes your skin smooth and soft.
Thank you for reading and Christa out!
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ U-Cafe ] How to Get Doll look with Venus Angelic
I'm so sorry about skipped two blog posts about U-Cafe. Since I went back to my uni life, my time becoming so busy and unpredictable. Many tasks I should work, a week full of presentations and quiz and many more, but I know this my choice so I should took my responsibility.
Nah, this week U-Cafe tag talking about a women who very like about Japan especially lolita and doll make up. She called Venus Angelic. From the start I found her channels I love her videos. She did a cute make up and really she look as a doll.
Then she also had collections of cosplay and this is so awesome. She had western face but success full make up like Asian face. OMG! Okay let's check her videos
Also she given us some tips tutorials \(^_^)/\(^_^)/\(^_^)/ like this videos below :
Also she given us some tips tutorials \(^_^)/\(^_^)/\(^_^)/ like this videos below :
I'm very enjoy watchs every her tutorials, simple and very easy to try at home ahahha .. So I hope this channel help you to get know more about make up especially for cute make up *LOL*
Have a nice weekend girls :)
Christa out :D hihi
source : Venus Angelic [ http://www.youtube.com/user/VenusAngelic ]
source : Venus Angelic [ http://www.youtube.com/user/VenusAngelic ]
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ Travel ] Short Trip Travel Used Indonesia Train ( Economy Class )
It had been long time since I’ve used train for my travel.
The last time I use train it was I at 7 or 8 years old, so very long time, and
last week I used train again for took me from my hometown to my home. Since PT.
KAI changed their attendance more better, I challenge myself for must try it
once. It was happened on last Thursday.

Economy class isn’t too much bad. Every railway wagon had
six air conditioners but for me it was really not work because the doors always
open. They had two models of the seat. The first one is for two persons and
another one for three persons. The seats weren’t really comfortable because it
wasn’t had enough sponge and for three person seat it wasn’t capacious.
[ U-Cafe ] Beauty Guru for Hair Styling! with x3Haha :D
Woah Happy Sunday ladies! Time flies so fast. I just realized today is January 19th ohhh .. I still remember about new year eve but today we'll going to the end of January woahh.. Okay back to the topic. As my promised in the last U-Cafe blog post, I'll share inspiring channels I was found on YouTube with you guys.
Today I'll sharing about Beauty Guru for Hair Styling. Yeah Hair styling is my killer when I go out with out make up on or in the casual look. The channel called x3Haha and the owner is Thuha Cao. Nah check her videos first before I going to continue this one ..
With 4 years experiences in YouTube for making tutorials, no doubt, she give as easier way to understand step by step must to do.Yeah although not all of her tutorials can apply for short-middle hair, it was helped me to change my hair style.
Thing I love with her tutorials was she didn't used hair spray. I don't like hair spray for daily uses and it'll look very heavy another you need wash your hair e-v-e-r-y-d-a-y.. Although I wash my hair everyday but use hair spray isn't good choice.
Nah I hope my blog give you more knowledge and you enjoy my blog post ladies :)
Ah! I enjoyed with your comments, so don't forget to left your comments below.
See you in the next blog post and Have a nice day ^^
Source : X3Haha [ http://www.youtube.com/x3Haha ]
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ FASHION ] Falling In Love With Preppy Look!
How are you guys? I'm glad can write a blog post again! Today I want to talking about preppy look. Lately this style become popular again, and I falling in love with this style. I'm so happy, finally I found the comfortable style (yeah for me) for go to the campus.
Before I tell you what we must-have for preppy look you should look at this pictures :)
Virgit Canaz from Preppy Fashionist : My Heart Beat
Sooyoung SNSD
[ source : http://lookbook.nu/look/2000432-Lindebeg-Sweater-Dolce-Gabbana-Shirt-Tommy-Hilfiger]
Edward Honaker from Edward's Hair
Okay this are things you need for get Preppy Look :
1st, Collar Shirt. Preppy Look play at old school look too, don't forget with the collar! Maybe It'll take you back in your school time but never play in the colour and make it look eye catching.
2nd, Also Sweater! It isn't summer yet guys. Take your sweater and long sleeves on. For me, black and white long sleeves always good choice.
3th, Blazer. This one will taking you into formal time. No doubt look professional with blazer is a choice for mine.
4th, Trousers and Skirt. Semi-Formal I chose Trousers and for hang out Skirt is good one.
All things I wrote above isn't a must but those preppy look need that. You also can create new combination about preppy look with belt or stocking too, because fashion is art and it isn't based for someone opinion and style, right?
I was tried this look *but sorry I didn't capture my look* and my friends said this look was good. So let's try.
Have a nice day fellas :D
Disclaimer : All the photos are not mine. I was gave the source for every picture.
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
[ U-Cafe ] This is Why Web Series
Hello Fellas ! Have you hear about Web Series? It had been booming in Indonesia already guys. Usually I watch web series on Youtube and it was fun! Lucky me! Today when I walkbloging read an article I found this channel, called The Ming Thing . They had produced awesome web series called This is Why.
Before I tell you more about my thought let watch this series
I love the plot. How Jim finally got his courage to say what he want to say, how guardians help them, Lee character, and of course the cameos. They've produced this web series so totally. Be honest, I didn't get touched when I watched this web series, but Ming Han as director made everything clear with The Director's Commentary video. I can't help. I really suggest you for take your 30 minutes for watch this web series in this weekend.
Happy Weekend Everyone.
P.S : And I so thank you for 8000 visitors for my blog. So Thank You so much <3
source : Dmingthing [ http://www.youtube.com/user/dmingthing/videos ]
| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |
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