[ Review] Very me Clickit Eyeline Blue 20440

Am I so late using eyeliner ? Okay, honestly I am not girly girl. I just know make up since I seventeen year old before that ages I never give everything in my face except powder *how pity I am*. After look many tutorial , FOTD , and review I decided to bought a eyeliner and my chosen down to Very me Clickit Eyeline Blue 20440 .

Loud of Laugh for you guys. This is my first eyeliner and I bought blue one *are you crazy?* .. I don’t care at all I just look the blue eyeliner is beautiful, of course before I bought that I asked some ides from my friends and after bought it I am not regretted, it was cool awesome without glittery

But, this is not water proof and very smudge. The giliter everywhere and it is not easy for dry.Otherwish, tiny applicator maybe make you little bit difficult especially for beginner like me.

I dont think to repurchase this eye liner again, although the colour is very awesome.

*NB: sorry for quick review

Little Bit Interest

I just read Summer in Seoul by Ilana Tan. It’s not my first time read her novel, I was read her novel twice and in the second time it touched me so deep. I suggest you to read Summer in Seoul. I love how Tan had written story between Han Soon Hee and Jung Tae Woo. It flow like a water. Although her not give us detail things about Korea especially Seoul -and the season, Summer- she gave us best ending and surprise in the end. Okay, I don’t want tell you more about Summer in Seoul story, if you very curious buy or borrow that novel, and I swear you will saying its that good novel, don’t miss it. 
 Good one is Tan help us to know some vocabulary in Korean such as Hyong. Hyong meant older brother but it only using man call older man. Honestly I’m not Korea addict like everyone who hysterical when someone scream Super Junior or whatever, and Korea wave not make me like everything about Korea, but today I have little bit interest about Korea culture and I want learn it.

Have I tell you that I ever learnt Japanese ? Yeah I ever learnt that but it so hard for me. Everyone knows  Japanese, Chinese, and Korean not using alphabet and that not very easy for learn by yourself. You need a teacher who can teach you how to write, read, and speak, and I brave to bet my parent wouldn’t pay for that courses. Ahhh…  I hope I can learn Korean or both of them by my self, not just say xiexie, sarang hae, a ri ga too, yeah that so … -translate by your self lehh LOL- 
  By the way today is Christmas day. Merry Christmas everyone,  Have a blessed day and joyful :D I celebrate it too but not very merry because I never put a Christmas tree in my home or have mistletoe on my door or bells ringing, yeah that my Christmas .- every year- . but the thankful thing is joyful in my family yeah the precious one. 

Nah, thank you for everyone who read, look the pictures, or just blog walking in blog.

Merry Christmas 2012 :D   

Back into my passion .

Hey fellas, today I changed my blog name’s from “ My Little Note Of beauty “ into “ Christa's Note “ . It’s hard decision for me. A month ago I’ve dedicated my blog for beauty blogger but after read one inspired blogger which made me knows what is my passion, I’ve been changed my blog title’s. 

If you noticed, my first blog post tell about fashion. Then a few month later I announced you about my blog specifications into fashion, beauty, and food, but the my biggest mistake is chosen a wrong title. So I hope with my new title, I can share everything in my mind like before. 

Thanks for notice fellas :D  

[ Review ] Vaseline Healty White SPF 24 Body Lotion

Sudah lama banget pakai ini body lotion dan sudah pastinya repurchase berkali-kali. Dari pertama pakai sudah langsung jatuh cinta. Ini body lotion ga sama kayak body lotion yang lain nya. Sukanya sih karena nggak lengket banget dan cukup cepet keringnya, yah walau kalau disiram air langsung luntur gitu.


Packing nya ga special banget yah, standart. Untuk SPF 24 -nya cukup ngelindungi kulit dari paparan sinar matahari langsung. Jadi dikulit itu ga kerasa kebakar. Nah ini yang jadi masalah, kalau bikin mencerahkan kulit ga jamin. Kulit ku tetep aja masih gosong kok hahaha tapi yang pasti body lotion ini melembabkan kulit terutama untuk kita-kita yang sering berada di ruangan ber-AC.

Teksturnya ga beda sama body lotion lainnya, ga terlalu cair kok, dan memiliki aroma wangi yang khas. Aku sih suka bau nya ga terlalu annoying.

What product say :

Menjaga kulit tetap cerah merata walau berada dibawah sinar matahari.
SPF 24 : Perlindungan terhadap UVB
PA++ : Perlindungan terhadap UVA
Vitamin B3: Dikenal untuk mencerahakan kulit

(+) SPF 24 – melindungi kulit dari paparan matahari terasa banget manfaatnya
(+) cepet kering
(+) ga lengket
(+) melembabkan
(-) ga mencerahkan kulit secara merata

BPOM No. NA18110102438

another my baby

hey girls!! Somehow our gadget *read:weapon" is one important thing when you make a reviw blog and im so lucky have a good camera :)
In my blog im using two camera. First im using my pocket camera by Canon this type is " Canon Powershoot A470" with max. 7,1MP and my second baby is my phone camera. Im using Samsung Galaxy Young with android system.
Hoenstly, i love are my babies. They were helped me so much to capture those another angels *read: my product reviews*. For me isnt importan which you using DSLR or Pocket Camera *yang penting erang dan ga blur*.
Nah I hope my weapon good enough to sport my reviews. if there any problem with my pictures please tell me.

Thank you coming to my note!

[ Review ] Maybelline Baby Lips SPF 20 Lip Blam

Well this is a new product in Indonesia was launched around last June but this product gave a nice result so much *I'll tell you later*. Okay, weather in Surabaya never friendly enough with my lips. In here to much hot and made my lips devided so i need lip blam and my choice fell to Maybelline Baby Lips SPF 20 Lip Blam Anti-Oxidant Berry.

Packing :

Altough it isn't good enough i love this. I think this packing imagine teenager or young adult than adult. If i compared with another country packing this packing to much simpel enough.

Product say's :
It's give 8hours long moisture and 20SPF.

Product Ingredients : 

 Product in Trial :

I love this product so much. So very soft and guarding my lips from dry and sun light. This lip blam not give a colour just covering your lips with moisture. I think this smell was better enough than any other. By the way I ever read user said that her lips got better and no more devided when she using it for a week. I've been using it for 4days and I got smooth lips than before. About 8hours long moisture apart of user said it didnt work but on me, i ever used it when i sleep and the moisture not gone but it gone when i eat or drink.

So :

(+) Love these smell
(+) SPF 20
(+) Smooth my lips
(-) Not interesting packing

Price : 18.5 IDR

[ Review ] Tresmme Smooth and Shine Conditioner

 Suka banget sama selogannya Tresmme "Rambut Indah Setiap Hari , Seperti Baru Keluar dari Salon" . Pertama sih ga niat nyobain tapi karena gencarnya iklan dan recommend dari temen akhirny dibeli juga walau keadaan saat itu ga ada gizi buat dompet ckckck ....

Packing : 

eyecatchinh banget buat botolnya yang 220ml maupun 450ml dan kelihatan banget elegant nya. Love with the looks. Paling suka sama bentuk tutupnya buat botol 220ml, unik dan lucu.

Product Say: 

 Ingrediens :

Product in trial :

Erm pas pertama kali buka tutupnya bau wanginya udah terasa banget. Pas dicoba untuk pertama kali nya sedikit merasa kecewa ternyata baunya ga seharum aku cium dari botolnua langsung tapi pada pemakaian berikut dan berikutnya bau nya wangi banget seger deh.
Tampilannya ga beda sama conditioner yang lainnya, liquid dan berwarna putih.
Yang aku suka dari conditioner ini selain aroma wanginya adalah perlindungan nya yang ngebuat tetep halus walau habis dicatok. Kalo consitionerku yang dulu habis dicatok rambut udah kayak lidi, kasar lagi.

So :
(+) Wangi nya tahan dirambut
(+) Buat rambut lebih halus
(-) so far belum ada
Price : 16 Idr ( Early Birth Price )

[ Review ] Nu Face Facial Mask


Kali ini aku mau review tentang masker yang diproduksi oleh salah satu perusahaan Korea yang udah lumayan lama banget melalang buana di Indonesia. Nama-nya Nu Face Facial Mask Anti Agne. Yuk mari baca review-nya.

Packing : 
Ngga ada yang special dari packingnya, ga beda jauh sama mask facial for home lainnya. Mungkin yang nge-buat sedikit eyecathing adalah model dari packingnya yang ngebuat kita langsung fikir ini barang import ya? hehehe

Product say's :

Product in trial :

Air untuk mask atau essence-nya sendiri banya banget *gak nyangka banget sebanyak itu*, enak nya lagi udah dalam bentuk face gitu jadi tinggal buka tekukannya dan pasang deh dimuka. Rasanya dingin, buat aku sih bau-nya ga annoying banget kok *tapi ada beberapa review yang bilang ga terlalu suka, bergantung dari si pemakai saja sih :)*

Mask ini lumayan buat merilekskan wajah kita, selain itu membuat kenyal banget, dan yang pasti membuat wajah kita lebih fresh, dan yang buat aku seneng adalahh pori-pori pipiku yang gede-gede itu tertutup walaupun untuk beberapa saat saja :D

Waktu yang disaranin oleh kemasan adalah 15-20menit, tapi aku tunggu kira-kira sampai sekitar 25-30menit karena airnya masih belum  kering gitu hehhee

So :
(+) Air mask facial-nya banyak *lumayan*
(+) Buat wajah freesh dan kenyal
(+) Easy packing - ready to use
(-) Bertahan hanya untuk beberapa jam ke depan aja

Price : 11 Idr

nge-kece dikit habis pake mask-nya hahah ..