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Tampilkan postingan dengan label Diaries. Tampilkan semua postingan

Opiniku mengenai Quarter Life of Crisis

Hallo semuanya!
It's been a long time since the last time I updated this blog, hahaha.

Kali ini aku ingin berbagi cerita megenai Quarter Life of Crisis.

Well, umur dua puluhan kayaknya ngga pernah gampang untuk dilalui oleh semua orang.

Umur dimana mulai melihat orang lain "menjadi orang" tapi diri sendiri merasa belum menjadi orang
Umur dimana mulai mempertanyakan "apa sih tujuan hidup?"
Umur dimana mulai menyadari ekspektasi itu memang benar-benar ngga sesuai dengan kenyataan di dunia. 
Umur dimana mulai belajar untuk "hanya" peduli dengan diri sendiri.


Kali ini aku tidak akan membahas khusus mengenai beauty, tapi aku ingin merekam salah satu perjalan dihidupku terutama berkaitan dengan pendidikan. Jika kalian pernah membaca post-ku yang ini kalian pasti tahu bahwa ditahun 2013 kemarin aku mulai memasuki dunia perkuliahan. Aku kuliah disalah satu perguruan tinggi swasta yang terkenal dengan ciri khas batu bata nya *and now you know where my university is!*.

Aku kuliah di Fakultas Bisnis dan mengambil jurusan Akutansi dengan konsentrasi Auditing (Pemeriksaan Akuntansi). Bersyukur sekali kepada Tuhan Yesus Kristus, aku dapat menyelesaikan kuliahku dalam waktu 3,5tahun (rumornya mulai angkatan 2014, pendidikan S1 harus ditempuh dalam waktu 4tahun). Aku sendiri telah menyelesaikan laporan magang dan melaksanakan sidang akhir pada tanggal 3 Februari 2017, akan yudisum pada tanggal 30 Maret 2017, dan wisuda pada 1 April 2017. I am so excited and also blessed! 

New Year Greeting

Happy New Year Everyone!

2016 sudah berlalu, jika hidup ini diibaratkan sebuah buku, artinya satu lagi bab yang telah diselesaikan dan bab baru telah dibuka. Ditahun yang telah dilalui pasti banyak suka dan duka yang telah dilalui. Bagi saya sendiri 2016 tahun yang sangat penuh dengan makna, terutama bagi kehidupan blogger saya.

Jika menilik awal tahun kemarin, saya sudah memiliki tekad bulat untuk menjalankan blog ini dengan baik, karena dari tahun ke tahun saya tidak bisa konsisten dalam mengelola blog ini. Terbukti dari Blog archive saya, terdapat bulan dimana saya tidak memposting apapun, termasuk di tahun 2016 terjadi hal seperti itu (lagi). Sejujurnya alasan saya tidak memposting diawal-awal tahun saya tidak ingat benar alasan dibaliknya, untuk bulan Juli hingga Desember saya ingat benar alasannya.

Cuap Cuap edisi 1 19/3/16

Hello everybody *hands up* ^^

Udah lama ga cuap - cuap bebas di blog ini *cieh ilehh* iye iye ane tahu saya keseringan jarang nongol, kalo nongol pun langsung tanpa babibu bikin review hahaha.. 
Hari ini mood-nya lagi bagus buat nulis nihh padahal tubuh masih sakit aje .. hidung masih meler dan luka ditubuh masih belum sembuh. Jadi ceritanya beberapa hari yang lalu saya baru saja jatuh dari motor karena terlalu cintahh tanahh airr hahah *abaikan*

Good Bye 365 pages ! Time for welcoming 366 pages :D

Happy new year everyone !!!
Do you have any resolutions for this year?
Do you have any plan should be release in this year?
Lets't talk about 2016 goals here ^^

The time flies so fast and yeah here we go .. Another pages in our life. Let me start with the review about 2015. Last year was the busiest year ever. I dedicated all my time for campus things and I lacked time for my family, closer friends, and also for my self.  I forgot all my resolutions I wrote in 2014 for 2015 and I just go through everything in front of me, so yeah that's why this blog lack of posts . Actually, I'm little bit disappointed with my choice but in the end I realized something I won't get if I didn't choose this way.

HeLLo Again !

Hello ladies and gentleman !

It has been a long time since I posted the last blog post. My holiday just expired but I never touched this blog during my holiday *peace* .. 

Actually I really really forgot if I had this blog *timpuk sepatu* LOL .. Since this year had been started, my uni life getting busy and busier.

[ Diaries ] Cutted my hair

It was such a long time ago *i mean 1 month ago* I cutted my hair. After six months finally I decided to cut my hair.

[ Diaries ] Okay 24 hours / day isn't enough!

Holla September and Holla Ladies !!

Well lately I was so busy with all my campus activity, from my schedule 'till my organization programs. My bed time changed, now I hardly to wake up in the morning ohhh .... It's like I lost all my time, but yeah I like it. 

Since 3rd semesters has begun I often came home late and never spent time with my family, it's so pity and I know it uhmm I never blogging anymore. My blog like retro pages and so on. I hope I can manage this one better :( 

Yeah. I debated with my senior about 24hours a day is enough or not. Hard to answer it. We're know isn't easy right for handle two things in the same time even more than 2 things. Campus schedule is enough for take all our times then we're an organizer so our "my time" become less more than before. 

We debated it and in the final we agreed that we need learn again about how to manage our time. Everything will be run so good if we can control everything. So there is no reasons to say 24 hours a day isn't enough. Just learn more for handle it .. 

Have a nice Saturday everyone ^^

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Diaries ] Holiday ohh Holiday

I was prepared for my short semester for this June but really I never imagine it was so hard !! 

I didn't talk about how difficult my lesson but how busy I am because something called "Basic Training of Leadership and Management for Freshman" a.k.a OSPEK (in Indonesian).   

In my bored and stress because of proposal I writing this blog post. 
Oh no! I need time where there is no dead line and no tasks just relax and get focus in to my lectures. 

Talking about my university life, my GPA just published a few hour ago and I don't know how to react. 
It's doesn't mean my GPA bad but I'm sure it wasn't better too. 
My GPA increase around 0.1 point, I felt so blessed to got my GPA in this semester, and there is a little disappointed because I didn't got the maximum score in the lecture I believe I could get maximum score. 

 I promised my self, I must study harder in the next semesters. I hope I can make my parents proud with me. The invest many money for me, so that I can get the best education also they giving me more than enough facilities I shouldn't ask they many more. 

Back to the topic, HOLIDAY ...
Honestly, I don't have any ideas or special plans for my holiday ..
Oh I'm so pity, am I?
Yeah I hope your holiday is better than me LoL

Anyway, I'm so sorry about being hiatus in last month, I almost crazy with all my random schedules
Believe it or not I never touch my laptop last month ...
This month shall be better than last month hehe *crossfingers*


| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Diaries ] Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013

Hello Beauties!

Today, Surabaya really really hot huh ... It made me so lazy to go out, just stay at home and organize some of mess things around hahha .. 

And yeah I will telling you about Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013 which held in Atrium Supermall Pakuwon Indah last Sunday. 

As usual, there was many cosplayers and they really really awesome. Surabaya Toys and Hobbies Fair 2013 was my second event I was came. The event really crowded, make sure you safe from many otaku who want took a pictures with coplayers.

I'm really appreciation with all cosplayers. Whatever the result they'll get, they was did their best. Put make up on, walked around the area, keep smile, and so on. Another thing is their cosplay it self. Their cosplay was totally same with the real anime woahhh ...

Ah there wasn't just a cosplay, they had AKB00 (If I din't mention wrong) from Cosura and a duet singers (Sorry I don't remember what their name). Really entertained us who was visited the event.

Just for information. Surabaya has many cosplay communities, such as Cosura, search on google for more informations. They are friendly communities, just join if you're a cosplayer or a otaku.

Honestly, I enjoyed the event and I make sure my self to come to another event like this. 
zzz! I heard it will holding "Chocodays" on 1st week on December in Ciputra World Surabaya.. 
If you want to meet a great cosplayer just come there!

See ya :) :D  

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ Diaries ] Uhmm I don't know ..

Annyeong .. 

Uhm, I don't know what to say. I was hiatus for a months and I cant bet I could keep promise to often write blog post. Since now I'm a college student and had part time job, but I'm still on fire to keep this blog for runway LOL .. 

Ah ya! I want to say thank you for many visitors who was visited my blog. I know my blog so plain where is only white theme and no banner and cute stuff here. I hope I can change my layout theme asap, btw there is someone who want help for make a layout? LOL 

I little bit shocked to know my blog visitors huge from foreign than Indonesian. 'Caused that reason I dedicated to make blog post in English again. Be honest, my grammars is so bad and my verbs in beauty, fashion, and foods not too much for this day. I feel uncomfortable with this situations, but it's okay, I'll studying from my fault. Okay, I need more motivations btw hahhaha .. 

Okay because today is Monday, we should have more energy and more smile. Not everyone like this day but hey! It's a good day for start something new! Okay I'm so on fire now and this time the right time for me to learn many things. 

Happy Monday Everyone!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

College Introductory Week!

Hallo hallo Selamat Idul Fitri bagi yang merayakan. Mohon maaf lahir dan batin.

Hari-hari kemarin aku memang disibukan oleh kegiatan kuliahku. Mulai tanggal 29 Juli kemarin aku sudah masuk kuliah untuk pecan perkenalan kampus (PPK). PPK kemarin lumayan menyita waktuku. Oleh karena itu beberapa post yang aku jadwal kan dapat di publikasikan terpaksa menunggu di kolom draft. Semoga dalam waktu dekat aku dapat mem-publish post-post tersebut doakan saja.

Di post ini aku ingin bercerita tentang PPK ku kemarin dan sedikit perubahan hidupku. Waktu itu benar-benar berjalan sangat cepat, aku sendiri merasa terkejut ketika menyadari bahwa aku akan memulai kehidupan perkuliahanku. Sempat ada kegelisahan tentang kehidupan perkulihan nanti seperti apa, tapi aku bersyukur sekali bahwa lingkungan tempat aku kuliah sangatlah bersahabat dan nyaman. Disana aku merasa mendapatkan keluarga baru.

Pekan Perkenalan Kampus – ku berjalan sangat menyenangkan. Aku mendapatkan teman-teman baru yang baik, lucu, dan juga kompak. Selain itu para mahasiswa pendamping juga sangat ramah. Aku bersyukur bahwa aku menyadari aku tidak salah masuk Perguruan Tinggi (PT). Dulu waktu aku masih kelas 10, masih duduk dibangku SMA, aku berdoa kepada Tuhan agar aku nantinya dapat bersekolah di PT dan jurusan yang tepat. Sekarang aku merasakan tuaiannya. Doa itu sangat dahsyat kuasanya!. Oh ya aku malah dapat “bonus”, teman-teman satu kelompok PPK-ku sangat akrab satu dengan lainnya seolah-olah kita ini telah berteman dalam jangka waktu yang lama, kami juga berencana untuk keluar bersama untuk jalan-jalan.

PPK yang menyenangkan itu membuatku lebih bersemangat untuk menjalani kehidupan berkuliahan yang katanya “berat” itu. Aku mencoba sebisa mungkin untuk menikmati bangku kuliah selama aku masih bisa dan aku juga tak ingin mengecewakan orangtuaku. Perubahan hidup yang sangat dratis masih belum aku rasakan apalagi untuk semester pertama ini aku mendapatkan jadwal yang cukup bagus, dimana aku memiliki banyak waktu longar.

Postingan ini memang tidak membahas masalah beauty, fashion, ataupun food, aku hanya ingin  merekam kenangan ini melalui tulisan. Ingatan manusia itu tidak bisa detail, maka dari itu aku harap ketika membaca postingan ini aku mengingat setiap detail kejadian yang pernah terjadi dalam hidupku.
Oh ya ini kan masih dalam masa liburan. Bagaimana dengan liburan kalian? Apakah menyenangkan? Liburan ku sendiri sedikit berbeda untuk tahun ini, karena tidak semua keluarga besarku dapat berkumpul jadi seperti ada something miss feeling tapi aku tetap bahagaia karena tetap ada perjumpaan-perjumpaan yang tak kalah mengharukan lainnya.

Nah aku posting sampai disini dulu ya. Happy Holiday kawan!

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

Little Bit Interest

I just read Summer in Seoul by Ilana Tan. It’s not my first time read her novel, I was read her novel twice and in the second time it touched me so deep. I suggest you to read Summer in Seoul. I love how Tan had written story between Han Soon Hee and Jung Tae Woo. It flow like a water. Although her not give us detail things about Korea especially Seoul -and the season, Summer- she gave us best ending and surprise in the end. Okay, I don’t want tell you more about Summer in Seoul story, if you very curious buy or borrow that novel, and I swear you will saying its that good novel, don’t miss it. 
 Good one is Tan help us to know some vocabulary in Korean such as Hyong. Hyong meant older brother but it only using man call older man. Honestly I’m not Korea addict like everyone who hysterical when someone scream Super Junior or whatever, and Korea wave not make me like everything about Korea, but today I have little bit interest about Korea culture and I want learn it.

Have I tell you that I ever learnt Japanese ? Yeah I ever learnt that but it so hard for me. Everyone knows  Japanese, Chinese, and Korean not using alphabet and that not very easy for learn by yourself. You need a teacher who can teach you how to write, read, and speak, and I brave to bet my parent wouldn’t pay for that courses. Ahhh…  I hope I can learn Korean or both of them by my self, not just say xiexie, sarang hae, a ri ga too, yeah that so … -translate by your self lehh LOL- 
  By the way today is Christmas day. Merry Christmas everyone,  Have a blessed day and joyful :D I celebrate it too but not very merry because I never put a Christmas tree in my home or have mistletoe on my door or bells ringing, yeah that my Christmas .- every year- . but the thankful thing is joyful in my family yeah the precious one. 

Nah, thank you for everyone who read, look the pictures, or just blog walking in blog.

Merry Christmas 2012 :D   

Back into my passion .

Hey fellas, today I changed my blog name’s from “ My Little Note Of beauty “ into “ Christa's Note “ . It’s hard decision for me. A month ago I’ve dedicated my blog for beauty blogger but after read one inspired blogger which made me knows what is my passion, I’ve been changed my blog title’s. 

If you noticed, my first blog post tell about fashion. Then a few month later I announced you about my blog specifications into fashion, beauty, and food, but the my biggest mistake is chosen a wrong title. So I hope with my new title, I can share everything in my mind like before. 

Thanks for notice fellas :D  

Change ! Change ! Change again !

wolla ... finally today got free time after a loooong time hahaah XD
lagi-lagi ganti layout hahaha :) yang kali ini udah bener-bener demen banget sama layout yang ini. Lucu juga sih .. by the way dengan gantinya layout ini i was dedicated to make my blog into food , fashion , and review beauty :) :)

tinggal tunggu aja kapan tanggal mainnya hehe .. :)

Just Say Hello :D

Holla :D 

 So Sorry, seldom update my blog. I was not take some pictures so far because my schedule  really really busy, but this Summer Holiday -promise to my self- I will take photoshoot with my friend. Then, I confused to change my blog design, after to much change I  choosen this design, I hope you like my new design :D

Happy Summer Holiday Everyone!!

It's just start

Hello Everyone let me introduce my self. I'm christa from Surabaya, Indonesia. I interested in blog and fashion. Although I'm newbie in this sector I try the best. My signature style is random. Feel free to leave your comment at here. I love it because it help me to be better. 
Success never come with out works, works never come without dream and starting.
I'm starting now... Please help me.