[ Diaries ] Holiday ohh Holiday

I was prepared for my short semester for this June but really I never imagine it was so hard !! 

I didn't talk about how difficult my lesson but how busy I am because something called "Basic Training of Leadership and Management for Freshman" a.k.a OSPEK (in Indonesian).   

In my bored and stress because of proposal I writing this blog post. 
Oh no! I need time where there is no dead line and no tasks just relax and get focus in to my lectures. 

Talking about my university life, my GPA just published a few hour ago and I don't know how to react. 
It's doesn't mean my GPA bad but I'm sure it wasn't better too. 
My GPA increase around 0.1 point, I felt so blessed to got my GPA in this semester, and there is a little disappointed because I didn't got the maximum score in the lecture I believe I could get maximum score. 

 I promised my self, I must study harder in the next semesters. I hope I can make my parents proud with me. The invest many money for me, so that I can get the best education also they giving me more than enough facilities I shouldn't ask they many more. 

Back to the topic, HOLIDAY ...
Honestly, I don't have any ideas or special plans for my holiday ..
Oh I'm so pity, am I?
Yeah I hope your holiday is better than me LoL

Anyway, I'm so sorry about being hiatus in last month, I almost crazy with all my random schedules
Believe it or not I never touch my laptop last month ...
This month shall be better than last month hehe *crossfingers*


| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |

[ FOTD ] Dull to Doll : My Daily Look (Make Up sederhana untuk Mahasiswi)

Hello ladies!! Ahh .. melihat traffic blog post ku aku merasa sedih, bulan Mei ini hampir saja aku absen untuk membuat post, sedih sekali (T.T). Bulan Mei ini penuh dengan kesibukan dari jadwal kuliah beserta asistensi dosen yang tak menentu (karena banyak sekali libur yang artinya tugas siap menumpuk) dan juga hal-hal lain seputar kuliah ku yang so so luar biasa! Akhirnya aku punya waktu untuk menulis post disela-sela ujian akhir semseter ku ini.

[ Review ] Marina Sweet Compact Powder Shade 12 Peach

Kali ini aku mencoba bedak merek lokal. Berharap sih kualitas yang diberikan memuaskan apa lagi banyak rumor diluar sana yang mengatakan bahwa kualitas brand lokal itu masih belum menggena di hati. Yang ku coba kali ini adalah Marina Sweet Compact Powder, harga terjangkau sekali tidak lebih dari Rp 20.000,- . Waktu memilih shade warna cukup sulit menurutku karena warna yang diberikan susah masuk untuk kulit kuning langsatku. Mau ambil yang natural kok terlalu gelap, akhirnya aku pilih shade 12 Peach, walau sedikit cerah untuk warna kulit ku, tak apa lah. 

[ Review ] Sasatinnie Nail Polish : Rose SPN129

" Your Nails are like Jewels - Don't Use Them Like Tools "

So who loves nail polish and nail art ? I love polish my nails when I have free time. Last time I polished my nail used Sasatinnie Nail Polish : Rose SPN129. This nail polish made in France. With unique packing. Sadly, there was many fake nail polish from this Indonesia. Nah I love the packing it was so cute with heart shape. The next things I think is .. Is it okay with they brush? 

[ Quick Post ] Hey, April!

Hello April ! 
Time flies so fast, I remembered how I wrote Quick Post for March Greeting. The last of February where I wasn't ready yet for faced the March.

Before I going to telling about April I want to review my March. Last month was the month full of fear, pain, and regret. Fear because of all my relationship with relative, Pain because I needed paid expensive experience -and wasn't easy- and Regret because I didn't do my best in many things. 

I became pessimist person. The person who judged all my work failed. I tried mentality and I wanted to quit, but when I think again for everything I feel so sorry to my parents who was paid my university fee and many more just for investment in me with knowledge. 

This month I hope something bright come into my life and I don't feel so down like the last month. This month I hope for something better and I promised to my self for do the best I can give. So all my reader I hope you don't feel down like me, but you get something awesome into your life. 

 " Don’t let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use.  "  - Earl Nightingale

Christa Out

| Contac Me : icchrista [at] gmail [dot] com | Ic Christa |